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mountain marmosets conservation program

get involved

Donations and fundraising activities are essential to progressing our objectives. Please consider making a donation to help support our work or, perhaps you would be interested in discussing a more specific donation or sponsoring an aspect of our work?


We have a variety of projects and tasks waiting to be progressed, please get in contact we would be delighted to hear from you and would be very pleased to send you the current conservation program document 'Grand Plans in Small Steps'

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Join us

Become a Mountain Marmoset Ambassador

We are looking for anyone interested in promoting our work or are able to organize and run fundraising events. There are many simple ways to do this, anything from Garage sales to marathon runs. If you are interested in doing something for us then get in touch and we can send you information and gear to help make your fundraising a success!

Get in touch, everything matters,

everything counts...

Let us know... 

Marmoset groups in small isolated fragments are a high priority concern, we have a coordinator who collects public sighting data. In the first instance please email us with your contact details and location.



If you agree that conserving Biodiversity is important, then consider the things that you could do to make a difference in conserving the natural world. Changing human behaviors is one of the biggest challenges in conserving biodiversity, what can you do to make a difference?


Here are our top 2 suggestions for things you can do that will make the biggest difference to the 2 species that we are working to protect.

  • Encourage your family and extended family to take an active interest in anything that helps protect wildlife.

  • Actively follow and support initiatives to protect the South Eastern Atlantic Forest.

And here are our top 3 suggestions on behaviors that protect the environment and biodiversity from further harm: 

  • Eat less meat; Brazilian beef production for worldwide consumption is a major contributor to deforestation and landscape fragmentation.

  • Reduce your carbon footprint, promote sustainable living methods, avoid buying disposable plastic!

  • Find some time to plant back some trees, you will enjoy it more than you think!

About the mountain marmosets

Both species have been assessed by ICMBio as Endangered. ICMBio and the IUCN both have pages dedicated to information about the species, click on the links to find out more.

The Brazilian Red List of Threatened Species   

Callithrix aurita       |       Callithrix flaviceps

The iucn Red List of Threatened Species 

 Callithrix aurita       |       Callithrix flaviceps




© Mountain Marmoset Conservation Program/Programa de Conservação dos Saguis-da-serra /NGO PREA

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