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mountain marmosets conservation program

MMCP Team and network Partners


Rodrigo Salles de Carvalho    

Executive presidente of the PREA


During his Phd studies (2011 - 2015) with C. aurita  Rodrigo realized that these species were under a bigger risk than was being credited to it. In 2014 he promoted a meeting with national and international primatologists which became the start of a path that lead to the current Mountain Marmoset Conservation Program (MMCP).  Since then Rodrigo has worked to compose a network of stakeholders necessary to move forward an effective conservation plan for the C. aurita and C. flaviceps species.

Leandro Jerusalinsky 

Head of the National Centre for Research and Conservation of Brazilian Primates CPB/ICMBio


​CPB/ICMBio is the governmental institution responsible for analyzing all research and actions involving Brazilian native primates and for the National Action Plan for the Conservation of Endangered Primates of the Atlantic Forest and the Maned-sloth (PAN-PPMA) which created the guidelines that MMCP implements. As the head of the CPB/ICMBio Leandro has a global vision of the problems that threatens all Brazilian primates and is an active and crucial supporter in the MMCP's development.

Mônica Mafra Valença Montenegro

Coordinator of the National Center for Research and Conservation of Brazilian Primates CPB/ICMBio


As a coordinator of the CPB/ICMBio Mônica is directly involved with directing the PAN-PPMA coordinating actions and working groups related to threatened Brazilian primates. Monica is an active and crucial supporter in the MMCP's development.


Cláudia Igayara

Chief Veterinarian of the Guarulhos City Zoo

Guarulhos Zoo have a long history of captive care with C. aurita, Cláudia has been instrumental in realizing the implementation of an ex situ conservation program for this species and is the studbook keeper for this species.


Fabiano Rodrigues de Melo

Lecturer and primatologist at the Federal University Viçosa (UVF)

Professor of the Federal University of Viçosa (UVF) and President of the Muriqui Institute of Biodiversity (MIB), Fabiano is one of the main responsible for the conservation of the woolly spider monkey (Brachyteles hypoxanthus) coordinating surveys, monitoring and translocations of individuals. Most recently Fabiano became the coordinator of the Mountain Marmosets Conservation Center - MMCC at the Federal University of Viçosa - UFV, a exclusive center for the reproduction and conservation, dedicated to the care and recovery of Callithrix aurita and C. flaviceps.



Leandro Jerusalinsky 

Head of the National Centre for Research and Conservation of Brazilian Primates CPB/ICMBio


​CPB/ICMBio is the governmental institution responsible for analyzing all research and actions involving Brazilian native primates. As the head of the CPB/ICMBio Leandro has a global vision of the problems that threatens all Brazilian primates and is an active and crucial supporter in the MMCP.'s development.

Mônica Mafra Valença Montenegro

Coordinator of the National Center for Research and Conservation of Brazilian Primates CPB/ICMBio


​CPB/ICMBio is the governmental institution responsible for analyzing all research and actions involving Brazilian native primates. As a coordinator of the CPB/ICMBio Mônica is directly involved into coordinating actions and working groups related to threatened Brazilian primates. Monica is an active and crucial supporter in the MMCP's development.

collaborators and supporters

MMCP wishes to thank everyone involved with supporting this conservation program, without the contributions from Partners and Supporters for this program, the world would be a poorer place.

Why not become a member (which is free) and get included in our quarterly

news letter, just email us asking to be added to the distribution list.



Professor Alcides Pissinatti

Head of the Primatology Center of Rio de Janeiro (CPRJ)


Alcides Pissinatti is one of the few veterinarians who has experience with Callithrix aurita captive husbandry. CPRJ is a key partner in the Captive Breeding Program as it is the only center in the State of Rio de Janeiro that holds the Callithrix aurita species.

Silvia Bahadian Moreira

Veterinarian of the  Primatology Center of Rio de Janeiro (CPRJ)


Together with Professor  Pissinatti, Silvia is responsible for the significant improvement of the C. aurita captive population inside CPRJ.

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Cecília Cronemberger

Research Coordinator of the Serra dos Órgãos National Park

Cecília has been an important contributor to the survey work that has been carried out in this National Park and has been involved with supporting research and monitoring work for C. aurita and hybrids since 2006.

Jorge Luiz do Nascimento

Coordinator of the Reference Center on Biodiversity, in Serra dos Órgãos National Park / ICMBio (Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Coordinator of the Reference Center on Biodiversity, in Serra dos Órgãos National Park / ICMBio (Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Since 2015 Jorge is involved in land management, research and monitoring of C. aurita and hybrids.

Marcus Machado Gomes

Biologist, Sociologist and Environmental Analyst

Marcus is a biologist, sociologist and environmental analyst of the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) responsible for the Environmental Education (EE) related to the Serra dos Órgãos National Park. Marcus has been an important partner to make effective the use of EE material in public schools in the Teresópolis region.

Vinícius Dias Netto

Biologist and intern of the Serra dos Órgãos National Park

As a young biologist Vinicius has been following for 3 years a succession of events related to the marmosets of an area of Serra dos Órgãos National Park originating essential local data.

Vitor Guniel Cunha

Biologist and intern of the Serra dos Órgãos National Park

Vitor has been dedicated to understanding the relationship between the demands of local communities and the possibility of insertion and assimilation of the ideas and contents of EE in periurban areas of Teresópolis.

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collaborators and supporters


MMCP wishes to thank everyone involved with supporting this conservation program, without the contributions from Partners and Supporters for this program, the world would be a poorer place

Why not become a member (which is free) and get included in our quarterly

news letter, just email us asking to be added to the distribution list.


Sonia Pena

Sônia is a pedagogue and has worked as a director in several schools in Nova Friburgo

Soon after Sonia's first contact with the C. aurita Conservation Project, Sônia embraced the project and concentrated on promoting it in the city, both seeking institutional support and strengthening our concepts and objectives with her extensive experience in education.

Pierre da Silva Moraes

Professor of high schools in Nova Friburgo and city councilor since 2012

Pierre was the main responsible for the proposal of a law next to the City Council of Nova Friburgo that officialized the Callithrix aurita as the  flag species and patrimony of the city. Pierre has acted vigorously and steadily with the City Council in defense of environmental conservation and the Buffy tufted-ear marmoset.


Aniceto José

Member of the board of Macaé de Cima Environment Protection Area as environmental education adviser

Aniceto is also a professor of biological sciences in the private network of Nova Friburgo where he uses the C. aurita EE material with his high school students. Aniceto has also been instrumental in making the games both with ideas and in the use of his joinery.

As an employee of the City Council of Nova Friburgo, Aniceto was one of those who assisted in the creation of the Law of the C. aurita, he was the head of Agenda 21 of Nova Friburgo in the year 2016 and is an active promoter for the expansion of PCSS, he promoted meetings with the Association of Tourist Guides and with the Secretary of Education.

Bruno Felice

Biologist with master's degree in environmental education and employee of the Secretary of Education of Nova Friburgo

Bruno has participated in the surveys done in Nova Friburgo and acted as a promoter of the project in the city hall, and also in the preparation of EE materials.

Alberto Leeze

Alberto is a wildlife photographer and has been a partner in field research

Alberto is responsible for important records of the native and invasive species of marmosets in the region of Nova Friburgo and its surroundings. Has provided assistance with the preparation of the EE materials and as a representative of the PREA in the Agenda 21 meetings.


Rodrigo Freitas

Biologist and photographer

Rodrigo has participated in surveys and has been instrumental in filming great records of the marmosets during field surveys.


Andressa Esteves da Cruz Gonçalves


Andressa is a veterinarian with a master's degree on the seminal characteristics of C. aurita from the Federal Fluminense University, works with primate management and breeding, and has worked in the Conservation of the Buffy tufted-ear marmoset (Callithrix aurita) in Paraty (RJ).


Daniel Gomes Pereira

Head of Biological Science Department, University Santa Úrsula, Rio de Janeiro

Daniel started the research with C. aurita and hybridization in the Serra dos Órgãos National Park in 2006, he currently coordinates research on marmoset hybridization occurring within the State of Rio de Janeiro.



Leonardo de Carvalho Oliveira

Brazilian Coordinator of the Bahian Lion Tamarin Conservation Initiative, a conservation program for the golden-headed-lion-tamarin(Leontopithecus chrysomelas). Professor on the Science Department of the Faculdade de Formação de Professores in the State University of Rio de Janeiro

Leonardo has large experience is panning and monitoring conservation projects using the open standards approach of the Conservation Measurements Partnership (CMP). He is a member of the Graduate Program of Ecology and Conservation Biology of UESC; and scientific director of Bicho do Mato Research Institute.

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Cláudia Igayara

Chief Veterinarian of the Guarulhos City Zoo

Guarulhos Zoo have a long history of captive care with C. aurita, Cláudia has been instrumental in realizing the implementation of an ex situ conservation program for this species and is the studbook keeper for this species.


Márcio Port-Carvalho

Researcher and head of the section of Wild Animals of the São Paulo Forest Institute

Márcio has 13 years of experience with primates in the region of São Paulo and hi is one of the pioneers in the conservation movement for the C. aurita in the state and still works energetically in this direction.


Thaís Guimarães Luiz

Environmental Specialist -Wildlife Department of Environmental Secretariat of São Paulo State (DeFau/CBRN/SMA)

DeFau/CBRN/SMA is the governmental institution responsible for elaboration of norms and models for: the conservation of the wild fauna and the management of the exotic invasive fauna; development of actions for wildlife management at the state level; implementation and / or monitoring of wildlife management projects in situ; evaluation of projects, elaboration of opinions, issuance of permits and monitoring of the conditions for wildlife management in situ, for survey, monitoring, rescue, translocation and transport of wildlife under the environmental licensing of the State. Member of the Wildlife Commission of the Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine of the State of São Paulo. Member of Technical Advisory Group of National Action Plan for the Primates of the Atlantic Rainforest and Collar Sloth.

Wagner Lacerda

Biologist and researcher at the Muriqui Institute of Biodiversity

Wagner is one of the main primatologist focused on surveys for Callithrix aurita in the state of São Paulo, currently conducting surveys of areas of occurrence of the native marmoset and invasive congeners.


Fabiano Melo

Lecturer and primatologist at the Federal University Viçosa (UVF)

Professor of the Federal University of Viçosa (UVF) and President of the Muriqui Institute of Biodiversity (MIB), Fabiano is one of the main responsible for the conservation of the woolly spider monkey (Brachyteles hypoxanthus) coordinating surveys, monitoring and translocations of individuals. Most recently Fabiano became the coordinator of the UFV Captivity Center for Reproduction and Conservation, dedicated to the care and recovery of Callithrix aurita and C. flaviceps.


Renato Richard Hilário

Professor at Federal University of Amapá

During his Master's course, Renato studied the ecology of a free-ranging group of C. flaviceps (sister species of C. aurita) that generated some new information about the species. Now, Renato is a professor at the Federal University of Amapá, but is still interested in contributing for the conservation of the endangered marmosets.

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collaborators and supporters


MMCP wishes to thank everyone involved with supporting this conservation program, without the contributions from Partners and Supporters for this program, the world would be a poorer place

Why not become a member (which is free) and get included in our quarterly

news letter, just email us asking to be added to the distribution list.

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This is a great space to write brief text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. 

international team


Dominic Wormell

Head of Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust’s Mammal Department, Jersey, Channel Islands

Dominic has been working for Durrell for over 29 years. He is an internationally renowned expert on the captive management of marmosets and tamarins, and has contributed to several in-situ recovery and reintroduction programmes for these small monkeys in their native South America, and on building up the skills needed by conservationists to care for them in their own countries. Dominic was involved in the first ever reintroduction to the wild of a captive-born black lion tamarin, and has been instrumental in generating support for the restoration of this species’ habitat, partly through Durrell’s “Cans for Corridors” initiative.​

Nic Dunn

Curator of mammals at Paignton Zoo, Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust.

Nic has been working with small primates for over 20 years. He started his career at a young age at the Shaldon Wildlife Trust in Devon, where over 14 species of Callie have been bred over the years, contributing to a number of important European Breeding programmes. His work in zoos has included expanding links with conservation partners in range states and countries, linking zoo based conservation with those in the field. Nic currently chairs the Living Collections Committee for BIAZA, is a member of the UK governments zoos expert committee. Currently, Nic monitors all non-managed species of Callitrichidae for the EAZA CALTAG and acts as the insitu marketing liaison for the TAG (Taxon Advisory Group).



Eric Bairrão Ruivo

Director of Science, Collection and Conservation at ZooParc de Beauval, France and the Executive Director of Beauval Nature Conservation and Research Foundation. Biologist.

Eric is currently the chair of the EAZA Conservation Committee and the chair of the EAZA Callitrichid TAG, and in this quality he’s actively working for the conservation of callitrichids. He also started, in 2015, the white-footed tamarin (Saguinus leucopus) International Conservation Programme in Colombia, and still coordinates it.

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Warner Jens

General curator Apenheul Primate Park, the Netherlands


Warner has 35 years’ experience with primates. His first steps into the field of primatology were in 1979. He worked for two years with gorillas and New World monkeys (Saimiri, Cebus, Callithrichids) as a keeper, before he started his 4 year Bachelor study in Zoology where he specialized in Ethology and Ecology. After a short interval where he worked on a research at the famous chimpanzee group in Burgers Zoo with Professor J.A.R.A.M van Hooff as his supervisor, he returned to Apenheul. First as assistant-curator and later on as general curator. During these years he specialized in free ranging primates, husbandry, exhibit design and genetics. Together with the founder of Apenheul, WIm Mager, he developed new standards and ideas in primate husbandry which are nowadays commonly accepted and implemented in European Zoos. Warner is an advisor of the EAZA Callithrichid TAG, and actively involved in the EAZA Great APE Tag, Old World Monkey Tag, and the Larger New World  Monkey TAG. He coordinated both the Woolly Monkey EEP and the Javan langur EEP for many years. 




MMCP wishes to thank everyone involved with supporting this conservation program, without the contributions from Partners and Supporters for this program, the world would be a poorer place.

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Alameda Wildlife Conservation Park




Supporting the Conservation Breeding Initiative

French Association of Zoos


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Margot march biodiversity foundation

The Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation, administered by Conservation International

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mohamed bin zayed

United Arab Emirates

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Beauval Nature
and Research



Supports Surveys and Data collection

Shaldon Wildlife Trust

Shaldon, United Kingdom

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the Rufford foundation

United Kingdom

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Kiezebrink, United Kingdom





© Mountain Marmoset Conservation Program/Programa de Conservação dos Saguis-da-serra /NGO PREA

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